Membership Information

How do I become a member?

Active Members - of this Association shall be those public officials of Municipal, Provincial, and Federal Governments and the Assistants of such public officials, who are primarily engaged in Fire Prevention, Education, Inspections, Suppression of Fires, Fire Investigation or Local Assistants to the Fire Commissioner of the Province of British Columbia. Membership fee for one year is $75.00 + GST.  2022 Membership Application

Associate Members - of this Association shall be those persons who are interested in furthering the objectives of this Association through fire safety education, teaching and the supplying of fire safety education materials, building design, property inspection and testing, listing and inspection of appliances, fixtures, construction materials and appurtenances, and through investigation into the cause and origin of fire. Associate membership fee is $75.00 + GST. 2022 Membership Application
Honorary Life Membership - may be conferred upon any member or other person who;

(i) has exceptionally or meritoriously served the Association by some act or service or,
(ii) has rendered an outstanding contribution in the fields of Fire Safety, Fire Prevention or Fire Investigation." Honorary Membership Info 

Retired Members - of this Association shall be those persons who are interested in furthering the objectives of this Association and who have previously been a member in good standing in the Association. Retired membership fee is $40.00 + GST.  2022 Membership Application